
3rd Edition on Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science

October 20-22, 2025 Dubai, UAE

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 11, 2025

EarlyBird Registration Deadline: 07-04-2025

Welcome Message by Conference Chair

  • Dear Esteemed Participants,

    On behalf of the organizing committee, I welcome you all to the 3rd Edition of the World Summit on Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science (WSAASS-2025), to be held in Dubai, UAE, October 20-22, 2025.

    I am pleased to serve as a Conference Chair for this event, which promises to bring together leading minds, innovative research and cutting-edge technologies from across the globe.

    As a brief introduction, my journey in microgravity STEM, space exploration, science payloads, astronaut training and operations spans almost four decades. The zero-G research, engineering and test campaigns which I have organized and conducted from 1989 onward, both underwater and on weightless flights, to support the development of the NASA, ESA and Russian segments of the International Space Station have been marked by an extraordinary chapter in the year 2000 when I was proposed as the history-first private Cosmonaut-Engineer candidate by the U.S.-Russian group MIR Corp. This initiative marked the beginning of human access to microgravity beyond traditional governmental agencies and was showcased by several record-breaking missions which I flew at NASA with a systematic engagement of the general public aboard pioneering flight campaigns of the SpaceLand program. Such initiatives spearheaded the dawn of the commercial space economy era, thanks to a holistic approach which included the first series of non-governmental zero-gravity STEM R&D missions made accessible to everyone, launching from the NASA Space Shuttle facility at Cape Canaveral. Including biomed research on behalf of a Nobel Prize Laureate, such novel endeavors have deepened my lifelong commitment to advancing the boundaries of science, technology, and exploration, which has been enshrined in the ongoing development of the game-changing "SpaceLand City" in Mauritius. The ultimate goal of my work is to democratize access to Moon-gravity, Mars-gravity and zero-gravity STEM R&D, expanding and transferring such a new knowledge to foster eco-sustainable progress that enhances everyday life on Earth. All of this also prepares for humankind’s future settlement on the Red Planet, with significant earthly applications for R&D on human longevity extension and on new construction methods and tools for eco-friendly housing and sustainable living on our planet.

    At WSAASS-2025, we aim to continue this spirit of innovation and collaboration by offering a platform where experts in astronomy, astrophysics and space science can share insights, promote partnerships and inspire the next generation of explorers. Dubai’s unique position as a global hub for innovation and its forward-looking vision make it an ideal location for these transformative discussions.

    I warmly invite each of you to contribute your expertise, explore the dynamic program we have curated and engage with like-minded peers who share your passion for unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Let us come together to advance our shared mission of unlocking the secrets of the universe and shaping the future of space science and exploration.

    I look forward to welcoming you to an unforgettable event in Dubai!

    Conference Chair

    Eng. Doct. Carlo Viberti
    Conference Chair
    World Summit on Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science (WSAASS-2025)



Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Science

Brown Dwarfs and Planets

CMB Polarization (POLARBEAR)

Celestial Mechanics

Computational Astrophysics

Cosmic Rays, High Energy Astronomy

Space Technology

Dark Matter/Energy Theory

Earth-moon system

Extrasolar Planets

Gravitation Astrophysics

Heliospheric physics

Life sciences as related to Space Sciences


Cosmology and Observational Cosmology

Origin of Structure

Planets, Comets, Asteroids and Dust

Space Infrastructure and Service

Plasma Astrophysics

Space Tourism Dynamics

Scientific Instrumentation

Space Robotics

Mathematics and Statistics in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Hydrothermal-Mechanical Georeservoir Modeling

Earth Science

Planetary Science

Solar System

Advanced Space technology

Space Missions and Satellites

Life and Physical Science

Telescopes and Observatories

Astrobiology and Extraterrestrial Life

Other Key topics



Keynote Session I

Refreshment Break

Keynote Session II

Lunch with Table Discussions

Break Out Session I

Refreshment Break

Breakout Session II


Keynote Session III

Refreshment Break

Break Out Session III

Lunch with Table Discussions

Poster Presentations

Refreshment Break

Breakout Session IV


Keynote Session IV

Refreshment Break

Break Out Session V

Lunch with Table Discussions

Poster Presentations

Refreshment Break

Breakout Session VI

EndNote Session and Closing Ceremony

Media partners